Gala's Funniest Fortunes

This Saturday, 13th September, is International Fortune Cookie Day which celebrates the wisest of all foods:
It's customary in Chinese restaurants to serve customers with fortune cookies at the end of a meal, these biscuits are broken to reveal a small strip of paper upon which fortunes are told.:
While the tradition was for fortune cookie makers to create shrewd words of wisdom, over the years the message inside has become lost in translation for a variety of reasons – some have taken an ironic twist while others just sound downright cheesy these days.:
A lot of the stranger messages found in fortune cookies have made their way online - here are just a few examples of the funniest fortunes we've found.
If you have recently opened up your fortune cookie to find a funny or just bizarre message inside, we'd love to see what it said!:
Send us your own #funnyfortunes on Twitter and Facebook!
This Saturday, 13th September, is International Fortune Cookie Day which celebrates the wisest of all foods. Gala Casino are celebrating the occasion by compiling the funniest messages found within fortune cookies as well as giving away up to £10,000 in bonuses each week!